Hi, I’m Tony – director of Kan & Company.
I help business owners and managers turn their aspirations into reality. Running a business or a business unit can be exciting and challenging, but also busy and complex at the same time, and so I help to bring clarity and focus on where to start and what to do.
I’m all about helping business owners and managers build success and get the results they want.
Things like building a great strategy, being more profitable, attracting and delivering great value to clients, having efficient systems and processes and clearing bottlenecks are what get us excited.
I’ve had over 29 years of experience in
- customer account management,
- lead generation, market research,
- business development, marketing,
- accounting,
- governance,
- charity fundraising,
- capital raising and
- business acquisitions.
I’ve also over 20 years of experience as an independent director and chairperson.
I have worked with some exciting industries, including
- electricity,
- engineering,
- software development,
- intelligent transport systems,
- tourism,
- accommodation, and
- logistics.
I have a
- A charter membership of the Institute of Directors
- A masters degree in business administration majoring in corporate finance and marketing;
- A diploma of business studies in marketing;
- An engineering degree in electronics and communications; and
- A science degree in maths and physics.
Put together, I have broad enough experience to be able to see the big picture and how all the moving parts fit together in a business.
Personally, my wife, Rachel, and I are busy with four children, Joshua (16), Sarah (15), Isabella (13), and Olivia (10). Not surprisingly, our weekends are packed: driving them to tennis, youth groups, swimming, violin classes, cello classes, netball and friends’ parties and houses.
I also love entertaining friends and family, following the Crusaders Super Rugby Club, the All Blacks, Liverpool FC, and the New Zealand cricket team. Keeping up with family members all over the world is fun. I love traveling and look back on backpacking around the world, especially through the Middle East and Africa with fond memories.