2 minutes
When an
The organisation’s appetite for risk falls because when you’re on top of the mountain, every direction looks downhill.
Consequently, innovation is stifled and management happily book the sales and resultant profits without realising that the wonderful culture that built the strong competitive position is being eroded day by day.
No one sets out to become complacent. It creeps up on you.
Over time, the drive for performance is no longer fuelled by excitement. Routine, boredom and self-interest set in. Anecdotes of office squabbles, workplace accidents, rework and burnout increase.
The answer lies in leadership seeking to reinvigorate the culture, so that everyone feels safe, that they belong and that they matter.
But convincing everyone that rejuvenating the organization’s culture will not be easy. Everything is going great. We’re doing well. Sales are all-time highs, profits are good. Everyone acknowledges that we’re the best. Why change something that isn’t broken?
This is the challenge for leaders, to convince those around them of a risk or danger that is yet to happen. It is the responsibility of leaders to be looking ahead and what you do today will bring about the future you seek.
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